1998 – July 13-18

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1998 – July 13-18

Summer University



A week of teaching, practice, excursions, relationships, friendship and fun lived together in harmony and with enthusiasm.
Many themes were dealt with by Grand Master Phan Hoang, always with new ideas and unpublished aspects, whether physical, mental or philosophical. The Dai Lao and the tale of the doctor Tu Thuc with particular attention to the eyes and reflections on longevity. The Chu Viet sequence, to recall the accents of the Vietnamese language, but also to underline the theme of didactics, and then an in-depth study of the Hanh Tham sequence of the Bat Nha.

Some indications of how to perform the Kiai and the Power of vibration in relation to the energy of the snake and the tiger; and then the review of Khai Mon, the strategy, with the revelation of some hidden aspects contained in the form, and the history of Ton Tan and Ton Tu.
Also Khiem Long related to the concept of symmetry and asymmetry and Tinh Cau, the health of the generals, presented to the group of instructors and finally the interesting exposition of Prof. Hammer’s theory on tumors by Dr. Bertrand Kervella.
Last but not least, the unforgettable trip with training together to the nature reserve ‘Ile aux Oiseaux’, a paradise place and island cut off from the world by the tides.