1996 – July 15-21

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1996 – July 15-21

Summer University


A whole week of training under the direction of Grand Master Phan Hoang assisted in teaching by several other masters, including Masters Bao Lan from Italy and Anh Ho from France (Jean Louis de Piolant, organiser of the event), Masters Kien Ho (Hung), Bach Ho (Michel Chapuis) and Khiem Ho (Nguyen Nhan).


There were many teachings by Grand Master Phan Hoang on this occasion. From the sequence ‘Open the Mind’, to Kiem Long with attention to breathing, and then the more theoretical part related to the peculiarities of our practice and the importance of personal research, up to the beautiful writing workshop, with the presentation of the writing TUE TU and the eight basic actions for a healthy living, shouted before throwing up the belts that descend from the sky like dragons.